VAT Registration Details of contact person Title(*) Invalid Input Name and Surname(*) Invalid Input Email(*) Invalid Input Cell Number(*) Invalid Input Entity details Type of entity(*) Private CompanyClose CorporationNon- Profit CompanyPersonal Liability CompanySole ProprietorPartnershipTrustOther Invalid Input Registered Name of entity(*) Invalid Input Trading name of entity(*) Same as above or Other - when other please specify0 Invalid Input Registration number(*) Invalid Input Street adress of the entity(*) Steet number and name Town Postal code0 Invalid Input Postal Address(*) Steet number and name Town Postal code Invalid Input Please give a desciption of the entities main operations(*) Invalid Input Turnover of the enitity for the last 12 months(*) Invalid Input Please provide the banking details of the entity (note SARS will vaildate the banking details before approving a VAT registration) Bank(*) Invalid Input Account Holder(*) Invalid Input Account Number(*) Invalid Input Please indicate who will be responsible for the VAT submissions and recordkeeping(*) I already have an accountant who will assist meI want Focus Accounting to assist meI will be doing it myself. Invalid Input Do you want Focus Accounting to phone you in connection with this VAT reistration?(*) YesNo Invalid Input Terms and Conditions Please acknowledge and take note of the following: It is mandatory that the entity can proof that at least R 50 000 has been invoiced and recieved by them. I acknowledge that I can provide the invoices and corresponding Bank statements that amount to at least a R 50 000 turnover. I agree that I will allow access to my e-filing account, to enable Focus Accounting to facilitate the registration. Once registration is complete Focus Accounting will give access back to the client. Invalid Input Agreement(*) I agree to the terms & conditions and I understand no refund will be made if VAT application is rejected by SARS for whatever reason. Invalid Input Total 0.00 ZAR Choose Payment Offline PaymentPayfast Submit